Nothing has been changed

Sometimes i ask to my self do I really got married.

Nothing has been changed.

only Miss to Mrs :-)


Tried :-(

I am tired of asking for transfer from past 3 months. My :@ HR always gives same old answer "There is profile in Guragon which suits with your".

Newly she started "There r no projects in hyd too, you need to relocate to Chennai or Pune".

I asked her for transfer to Delhi, but she offered me Chennai :@

I don't know wat these HRs do all the time.

When they join they are Slim. After 2 yrs they are Drum

At last no transfer and got into a new project (SharePoint) in hyd

Let's c wat happen next...


First Flight :-)

I got into flight for the first time. It is from Hyd to Delhi. Initially i got tensed bcoz i had flight at 6:30 in the mrng and i have to travel alone and i don't know whr to take boarding pass etc. Luckily Akali (Phani's roommate) had flight to Delhi at 6 am. He helped me ( boarding pass n Check in).

I got window seat. I was so excited during taking of .:-)

Clouds, sun rising from window it was awesome. At that one song played in my mind "Aaj Mein Upar aasmaan neeche" from Khamoshi movie. I Just want to jump from the window an wann to touch & play with clouds.

Flight Journey was quite boring. I passed the time listening to my I POD.

I love watching the flight from down. Even now i say "bye bye " when i see a flight

Stay tune

After a long time

It has been a long time since I have written anything on my blog. After getting marriage, the frequency has also decreased a lot. Hopefully will start writing frequently again.

Now i have lappy, net and ample of time but no time for blogging :( Lazy Sandy

Many time I think that I will be writing this today, but then I get busy with daily chores of life and just forget to pen it down.

Stay Tune
